Who am I?

Personal Details

  • Name: Adam Lewis
  • Location: Bedfordshire
  • Areas of work: London, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire
  • Nationality: British
  • Contact Me


I've been programming different things for 30 years, from BBC Basic as a kid right up to full scale web applications today.

For me, it's a hobby as well as a job. I love working with new software and approaches to find the best way of creating solutions.

I'm looking for a new role as a senior developer or lead developer in or around London or locally. I'm also security cleared for government work if that helps.

Here are some examples of what I can do in PHP: Github Profile.

My Professional Background

Work Experience

2017 November - 2018 August

SureVine Limited

Senior Frontend Developer

Job Description

Working on a variety of technologies for government clients with security clearance.

Amoung the technologies used were: Angular 6, Java, Gitlab, Jenkins, Slack, AWS, Jira, Confluence, HTML5, SASS, React and Jive.

Working as a small member of a remote team, we developed solutions that meet the needs of users by considering the user at every step of the delivery process; from understanding the need to designing the solution and delivery.

We followed the Agile principles, agreeing and delivering on sprint commitments whilst ensuring that code is well-tested in development and using continuous integration to meet the agreed level of quality. Peer review was critical during the development process to ensure that our approach was consistent whilst developing.

2017 March - 2017 November

Breakthrough Media

Senior DevOps Engineer

Job Description

A shorter contract with Breakthrough saw me setting up new infrastructure in AWS for production and staging replacing older technologies with CentOS 7, Nginx and PHP-FPM running through a socket. MySQL was RDS, which was faster than a local instance after testing.

For the front end work, we used Yarn/Npm with gulp, lots of VueJS which was fun and put in various restrictions on the build for linting, codesniffing, etc.

I set up a Pipeline using GitHub and a Jenkins instance to allow the normal checks to occur before automatically deploying to staging when pull requests are merged into the master branch.

For the front end testing, we used Cucumber with Gherkin and a bunch of step definitions for use with Wordpress and Laravel projects.

Whilst setting this all up, I talked the team through the work and created documentation in Markdown so they were able to use it correctly after the contract ended

2016 March - 2017 April

UK Home Office

Senior Front-end Developer

Job Description

Here I worked on a Symfony application which integrated with a Java Spring backend. We used Gulp to build the frontend templates, stylesheets and Javascript.

We used GitHub following GitHub Flow rules and Jenkins with Slack for our pipeline. Hubot was helpful with automating certain tasks and for providing pugs, of course.

Code coverage was set to fail builds at 80%, along with blocks for PHP Linting, Code sniffing, mess detection, etc.

2013 October - 2015 November

Web Technology Group

Development Lead

Job Description

A second stint at WTG saw me take the lead of a security cleared project with a team of 6.

We migrated a legacy product over to Laravel and went with RequireJS to manage our front end rather than going for a full AngularJS site due to security and legacy browser concerns.

All PHP code was strictly PSR2 and PSR4 and we employed codesniffers with Git pre-commit hooks to ensure things were fully unit tested and up to standard.

For dependency management, we used composer out of the box from laravel and npm and gulp to manage the front end requirements.

2013 May - 2013 October

Band App

Senior Web Developer

Job Description

A smaller project with the start up "BandApp" saw me working with CSS3 and HTML5 to turn a PSD design into a fully responsive single page application compatible from mobile upwards.

At the time AngularJS was new to me and seemed a little buggy, so I built the app to respond to AJAX requests with my own libraries and jQuery plugins then uglified them together using RequireJS.

The backend was mainly CRUD spitting out JSON so didn't need too much attention. There was existing code written in CodeIgniter, so I went with that rather than migrating it all out into Laravel or Slim.

2012 October - 2013 May

Web Technology Group

Senior Web Developer

Job Description

Working on a security cleared project, I was employed to work in legacy code to help improve and introduce new features.

The biggest challenge faced was the dealing with the interdependent spaghetti code that you often find in projects that are 10 years old. To improve things, we introduced dependency management via composer and release management using Phing.

During my time here, I introduced new features such as enhanced security functionality to comply with new government standards to avoid DDOS and other attacks as well as advanced interest calculation code to deal with upcoming changes to legislation.

2011 October - 2012 October

The Open University

Senior Web Developer

Job Description

Initially I was contracted for 3 months to redevelop the annotation student area written on the Sapphire framework, but my contract was extended a few times and I worked in different areas of the organisation.

Moodle 1.9 and 2.* was the main platform used within the O.U. and I got extensive exposure to it. One feature I created was for downloading courses in the correct XSLT format, having some of my code contributing to the Moodle codebase in Github.

I also did a short stint in the library creating a search indexer in Drupal for the storage of the BBC media in the O.U. archive.

2010 November - 2011 October


Senior Web Developer

Job Description

Working in Cambridge, I was employed to prepare a legacy learning product for McDonald's and Sainbury's for an upcoming government audit.

Using some Symfony components and an in house legacy framework, I had to systematically go through each part of the site and ensure compliance whilst also introducing new features to meet the customer's specification.

The biggest hurdle here was the use of a Window's server and MSSQL; the codebase was too old to introduce an ORM like Doctrine, so we made use of a customised active record factory with code lifted from CodeIgniter.

2010 July - 2010 November


Senior Web Developer

Job Description

Here I got my first introduction into a fully agile environment. Working in a team of 12 developers split up into two teams, we'd start each day with a stand up highlighting blockers and a weekly sprint retrospective to calculate velocity.

We used the Zend framework here which fired out JSON from a RESTful API which was consumed by a few different front end applications, including the main website, mobile apps and some third party applications.

One of the most interesting things we tried here was "Extreme programming", paired programming with one developer writing the unit tests and another writing the methods to pass them.

2007 - Now

Best Served Cold


Job Description

I also do some freelance in between contracts and used to exclusively until 2010.

Our client list was extensive, but the highlights were customers such as Orange, T-Mobile, Tesco, Party Pieces, the NHS, the IET, Fish4, Swiftcover and many more smaller companies.

Pre 2007


Job Description

Before 2007 I worked as the Principal developer for BMC Patrol at T-Mobile. Before that, a manager at ComputaCenter in their monitoring bridge and before that I was a systems administrator.


  • David Pratt

    Technical Director

    Adam is an outstanding developer with a great deal of experience and knowledge about everything web. We worked with Adam on building a bespoke Facebook application to support a national marketing campaign. Although it was Adam's first Facebook application at the time, he quickly understood how the Facebook PHP SDK had to work in conjunction with the Facebook JS API to get the most out of the Facebook platform, and to meet the requirements of the project.

  • David Heard


    Adam has worked with me on three very different projects and I have been very impressed not only by his professionalism, but by his thoroughness and his ability to combined innovative and creative approaches to problem solving with a rock-solid business sense - a rare, and valuable, combination.

  • Jenny Gray

    Development Architect

    Adam was quick to pick up new frameworks and worked independently to fulfil our requirements consistently. From an initial contract for one project, we extended his time with us to seek his help on other projects.

  • Ranjeet Ranjan

    Service Manager

    I worked with Adam at T-Mobile for some years and found him to be one of the most professional developers I've had the pleasure to work with. One of the most noticeable aspect of Adam's work is the speed with which he picks up new technologies.

What I’m best at

Skills & Knowledge


PHP 95%
MySQL 80%
HTML5/CSS3 85%
Javascript 70%
*nix Systems Administration 90%

Stuff I like right now

Laravel 5

New file structure and middleware


Like Netflix for nerds

Domain Driven Design

Not all of it, but value objects and entities, etc

Other Key Skills

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Laravel
  • Symfony 2
  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Patterns, practice and objects
  • RequireJS
  • jQuery
  • Composer
  • Gulp/Grunt
  • NodeJS
  • GitFlow
  • Zend Framework
  • Web Accessibility
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Agile
  • Dev ops (Vagrant, Chef, Puppet)
  • Legacy code
  • Systems Administration
  • UX/UI understanding
  • Jira
  • Lead Development
  • GitLab
  • Agile

Hobbies & Interests

  • Photo


    I'm a keen amateur photographer, check out my flickr photostream.

  • Music


    Like most developers, I listen to spotify all day. My tastes are a bit stuck to 90's indie.

  • Film


    We watch a few LoveFilm disks every week, good way to wind down.

  • Reading


    Learnt to read a lot on the tube over the last decade or so.

  • Travel


    Like to travel off to interesting places like the Philippines, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Macedonia and take lots of photos.

  • Technology


    I'm a geek so it's natural for me to be interested in technology!

  • Martial Arts

    Martial Arts

    I train two or three times a week at my local club.


Get in touch

Use the form to get in touch or give me a ring on my mobile below.


  • Bedford
  • 07956 349 355

I'm also on social networks

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